How to clean and maintain marble stone fireplace?
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- Nov 16,2017

The clean maintenance of marble stone fireplace becomes a common andimportant issue. It can be a DIY job. So how should the maintenance andcleaning work of marble stone fireplace proceed?
Beforethe chimney is cleaned, key areas must be checked. Use these tips to ensurefireplace and chimney safety. To keepthings simple and safe, clean the fireplace regularly and know that it is wellbuilt. It's also a good idea to have a professional initially inspect thefireplace and chimney even if you plan to clean and maintain it yourself,according to Ken Robinson, of the Chimney Safety Institute of America.There aresome tips:
Cleaning a Wood-Burning Fireplace
1. Wash daily with detergent or soap, and if necessary you can use a gentleabrasive. Rinsing and wiping dry it.
2. Do not use water to extinguishthe fire unless there is an emergency. Water flameout will make the ashessticky. Then it is much difficult to clean.
3. When you clean the fireplace,Sprinkling some damp coffee grounds in the cool ashes can avoid dust rises.
4. If your fireplace has glassdoors, clean the inside and outside with a standard glass cleaner or ahomemade green window cleaner.
5. For the grease on the stonegrill, you can add a half cup of sodium phosphate to one gallon of hot water.Take rubber gloves, scrub the stone surface with a scrubbingbrush. At last rinse the paste off with warm water.
6. Reapply and repeat as necessary.
CleaningGas-Burning Fireplaces
We lovegas fireplaces because they’re low-maintenance — but that doesn’t mean they’reno-maintenance.
Remove(if possible) and clean the glass doors with a non-ammonia-based glass cleaneror homemade vinegar solution.
Use avacuum to clean up any debris inside or around the vents of the heat exchanger(if one exists). Check that gas logs are in the proper position.
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